I'm officially breaking my nonpartisan stance on this election (at least in writing), and voicing my opinion on the political candidates. Generally, I know for a fact that most politicians (Democrat, Republican, Green Party, Libertarian, etc.) are corrupt and give a lot of lip service to Americans in order to receive votes and approval ratings and permission to lead the country according to THEIR standards. There are a few I don't mind. But there are many I wish would disappear.
My views on politics are moderately liberal. I am pro-gay marriage, pro-choice in most cases, against the war in Iraq, and I'm no economics major, but things are seriously fucked up as far as the economy go. I don't pride myself as an expert on political issues because I'm not. I keep my political awareness to a minimum because anymore awareness that I already give to me would make me not want to leave the house. Though, whenever I pass by election coverage on CNN, MSNBC, and the wretched FOX News whenever I channel surf, I'm like a rubbernecker looking on a 3-car pile-up on a busy street, with politicians, pundits, journalists and moderators evaluating the damage. So much for the minimal amount of political awareness.
Now my very least favorite part of the campaign is happening; the mud-flinging. The person doing the crucial amount of mud-flinging, especially now in television ads attacking his opponent, is the ever-so-desperate-to-be-president, John McCain. One of his ads compares Barack Obama to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears (which pissed the Hiltons off, considering Paris Hilton's parents were financial backers of McCain's campaign). John McCain is doing exactly what Bush did in 2004. Most of his campaign trail stops consist of him just criticizing Obama and giving people very little about what HE would do as president. Nevermind the fact that McCain is a fucking idiot who couldn't even beat George W. Bush in the 2000 primaries (which, to me, says an awful lot about him. Why no one else that I know of has brought that up, I'll never know).
I might be getting ahead of myself, given the election is 3 months away, but I think McCain sees Obama as a threat to him winning without a good fight. I think many Americans are starting to realize that the last thing this nation needs is an old wrinkly, white warmongerer who is older than Ronald Reagan when he became president, as president. Barack Obama isn't perfect I'm sure, but he's young, intelligent, charismatic, and chock full of decent ideas (I say decent because anyone who becomes president after the 8 year disaster trail that was the Bush administration has a lot of shit to clean up, and it would take a miracle if someone came in who had feasiblem, long-term solutions as opposed to temporary fixes). He may only be a first-term senator, but who cares? He has done a lot in local politics before becoming senator, and last time I checked there were no minimum requirements or curriculums in public service before you qualify as president. John McCain may have been a war hero, but so was Ulysses S. Grant and he is consistently ranked as one of the 5 worst presidents ever. Woodrow Wilson and FDR had no military experience, and they both managed to win two world wars (and they were Democrats, go figure). Abe Lincoln was in the military, but never saw a day of combat, and look what he did. John McCain can blather on all he wants about how Obama has no military experience, but there's not an ounce of substance to that saying, considering that some of our best presidents (and some of them active during a time of war) never fought in a war.
As for mocking Obama for suggesting that Americans inflate their tires to save on gas, proves that mcCain lacks any common sense. He might as well laugh at Obama for remembering to tuck his shirt in. And of course, that ad comparing him to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton? Some politicians do attain celebrity status. Clinton, JFK, even George W. Bush is his own way (mainly for political satire purposes). I think McCain is envious that he doesn't have that degree of star power (probably because he's scary), and sees Obama's "celebrity status" as another threat to his campaign. John McCain does not look appealing to a lot of people (and that's important, call me shallow). Barack Obama looks like Tim Meadows' older brother. It's time for another young guy to shake things up in the White House. It worked when Bill Clinton was president. He was roughly the same age as Obama when he became president, defeating a scary white guy (Bush I), and getting our economy out of a recession. Controversies aside, I remember Clinton's presidency to be a stable eight years. I don't go by books pundits write, or "facts." I go by memories and my own instinct. John McCain also said that he wouldn't resort to negative ads if he ran for president. So much for that.
And as much as I hate, hate, hate, HATE Paris Hilton, I hate her just slightly less because of her response to McCain's ad.
Score one for Paris Hilton, I must say. I give creidt where credit is due. I'm not implying that she's creative enough to think of something like this herself (she must hyave some smart people working for her), but McCain definitely got served by Paris! Take away one point off McCain's score sheet.
So... please... vote Obama. No more scary old, warmongering white guys in the White House.
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14 years ago