Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Other Than Treatment for a Gunshot Wound, What Do Guns and Health Care Have to Do With Each Other?!?!?!?!?!

Even Alan Gottlieb says that during a political rally when the president is attending, or any politician for that matter, staging a Second Amendment protest is not the right venue. That's right, dingbats! A gun nut is saying not to do this. Him and Ronnie Reagan Jr. actually agree on something.

This is a very scary thing. I don't know about you, but this is freaky! Guns + presidents do not mix!!! Just ask Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy. And FDR, Reagan, Ford, and any other presidents who may have survived an assassination attempt. Especially now that our current president is even more of a lightning rod because of his skin color for some people (never mind the fact that I think a good number of the attacks on him come from deep-rooted and deeply disguised racism; he has been playing with an uneven deck of cards ever since he declared his candidacy for office I think, to a degree, primarily because of race).

Even so, why would someone bring a gun to a rally about health care, which is an issue that is, in my opinion, completely separated from gun rights? Obama may not support gun rights to the degree that many other Americans do, but still do people really feel the need to come to a political protest, an already volatile environment, strapped with a loaded gun? Political statement? Really?

And to answer these people's questions about Obama's belief in the Second Amendment, watch this:

But no one ever brings this up...

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