Monday, June 1, 2009

My New Political Hero: Jesse Ventura

As of today, June 1, 2009, my inactivity on this blog has drawn to a close. Why? Cuz I says so!!!!

Lately, I've been retuning in to the lovely and ever-so-volatile world of American politics: How, ever since the inauguration of Obama, the GOP has devolved into a smear-machine. How Rush Limbaugh (Mr. Bouncy-Bouncy, as Olbermann would call him) now has become nothing short of a voice and a media channel for the GOP. How right-wing attacks about Obama (besides the false claims that he's heading this country into a realm of socialism, as opposed to the fascism Bush could have very well lead us into) have degenerated to what kind of mustard he likes on his burgers. Never mind the fact that the Democrats don't entirely come out smelling like a rose either with Nancy Pelosi.

In the midst of all this political balderdash comes a voice of reason from an unlikely source: a former pro-wrestler turned one-term governor. Jesse Ventura. Up until now, I haven't followed his political career and if you had asked me on what his views were I wouldn't have been able to tell you. He's an independent, aligned with the Libertarian Party; socially liberal, fiscally conservative. He has a reputation for some rather controversial views, such as ending the embargo on Cuba, and legalizing drugs. If you were to listen to his arguments on why those events should happen, his answers are so simple it basically borders on common sense, which I respect the hell out of.

Lately, he has been making the rounds on television everywhere from Larry King Live to the View, and he is highly critical of the Bush Administration and how they authorized the use of torture. Turns out during his training as a Navy SEAL, Ventura himself was waterboarded and pretty much sets the record straight that it does create the sensation that you are drowning and you don't necessarily have an idea of whether or not you'll survive it.

Here's Venutra on Larry King Live where he expresses his views on Obama, Bush, Cheney, waterboarding. Kudos to him for not judging Obama by saying that it's too early to tell how he's doing.

Here he is on The View, and watch the blonde conservative dumbass get "pwned"

And here he is duking it out verbally w/ Sean Hannity. Pretty easy to say that Ventura schooled his ass too.

You know, I wouldn't mind if he ran for president in 2016. We need more politicans like Jesse Ventura out there; no holds-barred, sticking to his own guns without caring about what the public's perceptions of his actions may be.

I started reading his latest book, Don't Start the Revolution Without Me. I'm about halfway done. It's an excellent book so far. It bounces back and forth, focusing on his trip to Mexico (where he now lives for about half the year), his ascent in wrestling, his governorship in Minnesota, and his overall views on political issues. Really compelling and interesting personality.

I also started reading Tear Down This Myth by Will Bunch, which pretty much downplays Ronald Reagan's legacy for what it really was; he didn't singlehandedly end the Cold War, his tax cuts more than anything else helped usher in the financial mess we're in now due to greedy CEO & Wall Street assholes leeching off the middle class, and his popularity wasn't all it was cracked up to be despite winning 49 states in 1984 (due to the Democrats, in their infinite wisdom, running Walter Mondale, the VP of Jimmy Carter; smart one, guys!).

I went on two trips recently to various parts of the country, but that will be for my next post.


JayCross said...

Reagan may not have single-handedly ended the Cold War, but he played a bigger role than any other single person.

How did the tax cuts have anything to do with the financial meltdown? I don't recall Reagan passing the Community Reinvestment Act forcing banks to make loans to uncreditworthy borrowers, or establishing Freddie and Fannie, etc.

Nothing to fear, nothing to doubt said...

Actually, more people credit Gorbachev in ending the Cold War than Reagan. Apparently, Gorby was more chill than any previous Soviet leader and he knew that Communism (so they called it) wasn't working out for them. In fact, polls dating back to 89-90 (before Reagan died and everyone all of the sudden were requesting for his had to be erected onto Mount Rushmore) show that an overwhelming amount of Americans credit Gorby with the fall of the Iron Curtain over Reagan. Sure, Reagan had his part, but modern revisionism distorts his contributions tremendously.

As for the tax cuts... they were for everyone true, but the upper 1%got the lion's share of benefits from it. Considering that poverty actually increased during the Reagan administration, and most people that I know who lived through Reagan throughtout their adult life contend on the fact that during his time, the rich got way richer. This lead to even more corporate greed in part of Wall Street CEOs, as well as many duped Americans paying for houses and other shit they can't afford.

Also, his much-credited tax cuts were then followed by some of the biggest tax hikes in modern history in 82 and 83 I believe. Of course, you won't hear Sean Hannity saying that.