Thursday, November 20, 2008

Every bottom has a trapdoor...

As much as I bitched about the lack of sunlight last week, things started to look up that week as the sun finally peaked through the clouds on Sunday. I had a bid on some freelance writing job, and the guy who owns the blog decided to give me a go. It's not much money ($20 for 10 articles, so far), but hey it's something.

Then, the douchebags at the newspaper I guess have an issue with people doing more than one paper route with the weather approaching freezing, so one of my 2 routes got cut, which slices my current income of $350 a week (sometimes more, sometimes less) in half. So, I have 2 good checks coming in, then it's back to being the hobo I was in September, except with no awesome My Bloody Valentine shows to make me feel exhilarated , and with friggin' X-Mas coming up! Plus, my 2 front tires are balding, and need to come up w/ $200 by next month to get 'em replaced without having to borrow any more money from my parents and then having them give me one of their lectures about where my money goes, and that I'm in debt, and yadda yadda yadda. Seriously, I've been living pretty econo lately. I go out maybe once a week, eat cheap, and haven't really had any urges to buy anything for myself, save a couple of records earlier in the month. In fact, I kinda want to sell everything I own just to get out of hock. I know I won't, and really I don't want to, but that's why I'm doing that 'housecleaning' project.

So I've been applying everywhere, tryin' to get interviews. I have 3 lined up for next week. I have an interview at UPS tomorrow. I worked there in 2005, talk about regression. Well, regression rhymes with RECESSION! I've been trying to get another job since September, so I can actually TRY to get out of debt, but nothing has pulled through yet, so now I'm getting a job just to break even again.

I feel like my life is playing like a sad Bruce Springsteen song... I've been feeling "Atlantic City" lately, but I haven't been driven to kill anyone yet out of desperation, and I don't have any kids (thank God).

My mantra lately is "I'll get it right one day."

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